Patrick Johnson - New York based person

I used to be online a lot more, and now I'm not as much. But I try to post here.

The Goals List

An idea came to me at the end of 2014 - in 2015 I would create one thing each month.

Creating something is fun, but is often hard and takes a long time. Due to this very nature, we often build less than we’d like and never really create a habit of producing our own things.

So, I’ve decided to try and release a new project each month and write about it here in hopes of creating a habit of releasing my own creations out into the world.

Defining a “project” was difficult at first. Should it be personal projects? Should it be client projects? I realized limiting what I make to personal or client categories detracts from the goal of simply making something. So the goal of producing something each month in 2015 is a mixture of personal projects and client projects.

The Goals List is on the home page in a listed format. You can also read a little more in-depth on each page, or check out the goals page as well.